International Taekwon‑Do Federation
ITF Leadership

Grand Master Prof. Ri Yong Son
Senior Vice President

Mr. Kim Myong Gun
(DPR Korea)
Vice Presidents

Grand Master Prof. Dr. Dato Leong Wai Meng

Grand Master Adolfo Villanueva

Judge Annali Basson
(South Africa)

Master Mario Bogdanov

Grand Master Prof. Yuri Kalashnikov

Mr. Kim Hyong Rak
(DPR Korea)
Director of Finance & Administration

Kim Kang Chol
(DPR Korea)
Executive Board Members

Grand Master Prof. Hwang Ho Yong

Grand Master Michael Prewett
(United Kingdom)

Grand Master Rios Olivero

Grand Master Low Ming Tuck

Grand Master Leslie Hutchison
(United Kingdom)

Grand Master Dr. Rajendran Balan

Grand Master Enrique Deacon

Grand Master Dr. Linda Low

Master Jaren Phillips
(South Africa)
Chairman of Consultative Council

Grand Master Prof. Dr. Dato Leong Wai Meng
Chairpersons of Standing Committees
1. Promotion & Commendation Committee

Grand Master Prof. Dr. Dato Leong Wai Meng
2. Technical & Education Committee

Grand Master Prof. Hwang Ho Yong
3. Umpire Committee

Grand Master Prof. Dr. Dato Leong Wai Meng
4. Tournament Committee
To be elected
5. Junior & Veteran Committee

Grand Master Leslie Hutchison
(United Kingdom)
6. Public Relations Committee

Grand Master Tan Chek Si
7. Statute & Ethic Committee

Grand Master Enrique Deacon
8. Medical Committee

Dr. Tatiana Naoumidi, MD, PhD.
9. Anti-Doping Committee

Master Derrick Chan
10. Athlete Committee

Mr. Puneet Kumar Ramachandrappa
11. Pro-League Committee

Master Mario Bogdanov
12. Women’s Committee

Grand Master Dr. Linda Low
13. Finance & Marketing Committee
To be elected
ITF Spokesperson

Grand Master Wayne Brown
(United Kingdom)
Grand Master Dr. George Vitale
Presidents of Continental Federations

Judge Annali Basson
(South Africa)

Grand Master Rios Olivero

Mr. Kim Myong Gun
(DPR Korea)

Grand Master Michael Prewett
(United Kingdom)

Grand Master Low Ming Tuck
Top News
7 Mar 2025