International Taekwon‑Do Federation

21 Dec 2022

On the weekend of 10th & 11th December 2022 the Czech Taekwon‑Do Federation commemorated the 100th day of passing of Mr Marek Lazor, its former president.

On Saturday, a full-day national seminar conducted by Grand Master Hwang Ho Yong and attended by 121 masters, instructors, black and red belts from all over Czechia was held in Brno, the capital city of Moravia. During the whole event, a big portrait of Mr Marek Lazor was present in the place of honor at the front center of the training hall so he could, symbolically, train one last time with us.

While the first two (morning and early-afternoon) parts of the seminar were focused on fundamental techniques and the contents of the upcoming black belt examinations, the third (late-afternoon) part was designed specifically to hone the higher patterns for 4th Dan and above holders under the supervision of Grand Master Hwang.

Later in the evening, the representatives of all 37 Czech dojangs, including Czech masters, instructors, and Taekwon‑Do pioneers, were invited to Orea Congress Hotel Brno, where a special commemoration function took place to honor the late NGB president, Mr Marek Lazor.

On Sunday, the official program in Brno continued with black belt examinations. A total of 30 national examinations (to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Dan) were conducted by the NGB’s Examination Commitee, while the next 3 international examinations (to 4th, 6th, and 7th Dan) were conducted by Grand Master Hwang Ho Yong under a special permission from the ITF.

We will always remember Mr Marek Lazor’s kind personality and his many contributions to Czech Taekwon‑Do and the ITF.

Dr. Petr Parik, Ph.D.
President, Czech Taekwon‑Do Federation

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