International Taekwon‑Do Federation

3 Nov 2023

19th UAE ITF TAEKWON‑DO Technical Seminar concluded Successfully at Manipal Academy of Higher Education Dubai Campus, on 28th October 2023. Total 70 students participated in different belts and Clubs. Seminar was 3 sections. The 1st section morning 9 to 10,  2nd section 10 to 1 pm and 3rd section 2.0 pm to 4 pm. So we started morning 9 am Sharp. The seminar inaugurated & warm welcomed all Mr.Saeed Al Rayhi-President UAE ITF TAEKWON‑DO. After Master.Abdurahiman 8th Dan started the Technical Seminar like Fundamental Movements, Patterns, Target Training, Self-Defense and Sparring Techniques to all Colour belts and Black Belts.. All Parents are watched the seminar and they are very happy in their Kids performance and they thanked to Master, Instructor’s and UAE ITF. Master & UAE ITF appreciated all the participants and special thanks to Manipal Academy of Higher Education Dubai Campus Management Dubai. The program wind up with vote of thanks Mr.Khalfan Al Ali-Vice President UAE ITF TAEKWON‑DO.

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