International Taekwon‑Do Federation

16 Aug 2021

The Taekwon‑Do Federation of Africa (TFA) and International Taekwon‑Do Federation South Africa (ITFSA) hosted the 1st African Online ITF International Technical Seminar (ITS) and International Instructor Course (IIC), from 23rd July – 25th July 2021. The course was presented by Master Jaren Phillips, VII Dan, ITF Technical and Education Committee member, TFA Senior Vice-President, and ITFSA President. The ITS was attended by 224 participants from 18 countries. The IIC had 27 participants with 8 participants undergoing the testing to become newly Certified International Instructors.


An historical moment for the TFA and the first African ITF Master to conduct an official ITS and IIC on the African continent. “A milestone we have aimed to achieve in Africa for many decades, being part of this milestone has been a great privilege and honour”, said Master Jaren Phillips.

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