International Taekwon‑Do Federation

27 Jan 2023

Official ITF International Technical Seminar (ITS) was held in Finland on the 20th and 21st of January 2023, conducted for the very first time by Finland’s own Master Jean Feller (8th degree). The seminar marked the 20th anniversary of ITF Finland, and was held in Helsinki and broadcast online via Zoom, all over the World.

The topic of the weekend was body mobility and deep core exercises to enhance body posture and subsequently become more efficient with patterns and other Taekwon‑do techniques. Master Feller shared several exercises for better kicking techniques and muscle balance as well as exercises to adopt the latest technical updates all the way from colour belt patterns to black belt patterns. The seminar ended with tools and tips to use everything learnt about self-defence and power breaking over the weekend. Students both online and present were eager to engage in dialogue with Master Feller.

There were over 71 registered participants, 40 of whom were present in Helsinki, ranging from colour belts to Grand Masters. Participants were from 17 different countries, including Finland, Estonia, Spain, Germany, Croatia, Algiers, Morocco, Nepal, Canada, Malaysia, USA, Moldova, the UK, Ukraine, Cyprus, Argentina and Bosnia-Herzegovina.

Master Feller received plenty of positive feedback from participants, showing there is an appetite for more seminars combining mobility training and deep core exercises with exercises to adopt the latest technical updates.

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