International Taekwon‑Do Federation

Date : 22 September, 2023
The 7th General Congress of Nepal ITF has been successfully Concluded at Pokhara m, Kaski.
The 7th Nepal ITF General Congress was held on September 4, 2023, in Pokhara, Kaski, Gandkai Province.
The new Executive Committee of Nepal itf has been elected by the 7th General Congress of Nepal ITF for four year term. There are participated 122 representatives from the 7 province ITF committee and 53 District ITF Committee in the General Congress. The program was inaugurated by Shiv Koirala, Vice President of the National Sports Council, NITF's former president/Acting member secretary Mr. Anjan Dhamala, Mr. Khadga Ranabhat, Founder President of Nepal ITF Mr. Narayan Aryal, Chief officer of the Law Section of National Sports Council and Mr. Chandra Kumar Rai, Chief Officer of the organization Coordination Section of the National Sports Council, Nepal.
Upon the Rules and regulations of the National Sports Council Nepal, the newly elected executive body of the Nepal Itf has received the Oath and confidentiality with National Sports Council, Nepal. The elected body had received the Oath and confidentiality with the Chandra Kumar Rai, Chief Officer of the Organization Coordination Section and Mr. Narayan Aryal, Chief officer of the Law Section of National Sports Council, Nepal on 22 September, 2023 at National Sports Council, Tripuresor, Kathmandu. At the same time the first meeting of the executive committee of Nepal itf has concluded at the Central Office of the Federation, Tripuresor Kathmandu.
The executive committee has received
The New Executive Body are as follows:
President : Mr. Prabin Kumar Karki.
Senior Vice President: Mr. Basudev Bhatta.
Vice President: Mr. Umesh Rajthala.
Vice president : Mr. Nir Bahadur Saru.
Vice President: Mr. Ramesh Chaudhary
Secretary General Mr., Gham Bahadur Thapa
Secretary : Miss Anjana Shiwakoti
Treasurer : Bikram Bantha
Member : Mrs. Fatema BIBI
Member :Miss Nirmala Gurung
Member : Miss Tulshi Thapa
Member :Miss Dila Maya Gurung
Member : Miss Puja Khulal
Member : Mr. Akash Chandra GM
Member :Mr. Rajendra Dhimal
Member :Mr. Suraj Lwagoon
Member :Mr. Birbal Kunwar
Member :Mr. Nabin Tamang
Member :Mr. Amrit Shrestha
Member :Mr. Sudip Acharya
Member :Mr. Prem Kamu
Member :Mr. Deepak BK
Member :Mr. Jitan Thapa
Member :Mr. Bijay Pun
Member :Mr. Rajan Rasaili
Thank you for your kind cooperation!
Best regards
Gham Bahadur Thapa Magar
Secretary General of Nepal ITF
Member of ITF Junior & Veteran Committee