International Taekwon‑Do Federation

In January 31st the National Taekwon‑do and Kickboxing Federation of Tajikistan along with the National Olympic Committee of Tajikistan conducted a seminar.
It was held for athletes, executive members of the federation, instructors and administrative staff. The agenda of the seminar included some of the key aspects on implementing of 2021 Code regulations and was directed to anti-doping education of the following:
- Worldwide anti-doping code of 2021, key aspects
- Education and Prophylaxis. Learning Anti-doping through ADeL and other educational resources
- Educational events organized by the National Federation
- Doping control, rights and responsibilities of athletes
Those activities will ensure to provide a productive communication between the members of the Federation to fight against use of doping in sports. This includes providing with information about legal, educational and informational aspects of fighting against doping in sports in accordance with 2021 Code and WADA international standards.
At the end of the seminar all participants admitted that the provided material will give them new learning opportunities about anti-doping policies and will allow to actively resolve new issues in managing sport on national level.
At the end of the seminar it has been concluded that it is necessary to include experts who will be responsible for implementing anti-doping policies into sport organizational staff. Also, it is necessary to conduct regular educational seminars and programs to better elaborate the anti-doping strategies. And finally, it has been concluded to ensure the provision of reports of the National Federation on 2021 Code requirements along with the International educational standards.
All participants were provided with a registration assistance on WADA ADeL educational platform.
Also, all participants were recommended and encouraged to learn through this platform by the end of February.
Those instructors who fail to obtain WADA ADEL certification will not be able to train under National Taekwon‑do and Kickboxing Federation.
Grand Master Mirsaid Yakhyaev