International Taekwon‑Do Federation

31 Dec 2021

This Saturday, December 11, 2021 we celebrated together the ANTID executive committee led by our president José Eulises Cruz, vice president Shariel Hidalgo, secretary Enemencio Peña, treasurer Yoenny Abreu, member Ivette Ureña, Máximo Boitel and Edgar Santos and other black belts.

On this occasion we celebrate our second anniversary of the founding of the National Association of Taekwon‑do ITF Dominicana ANTID. This celebration was held with a general assembly with our black belts.

In this assembly, topics of great importance were discussed such as: advances that our National Association has had, through different national and international activities such as courses, national and international special classes, teaching workshops, delivery of international certificates, graduation, tournament national, visit to different schools, participation in national and international events, national and international meetings with PTC and representatives of the Caribbean.

On the other hand, the reorganization of the different committees for a better growth and development of ANTID in the Dominican Republic.

Socializing about
Future projects in 2022 such as the Pan American Games and the Taekwon‑do World Cup.

Our commitment to ITF Taekwon‑do in Dom Rep. Is being fulfilled.

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