International Taekwon‑Do Federation

30 Jan 2023

This past Sunday, January 29, 2023, the National Association of Taekwon‑do ITF ANTID carried out with great success the first event organization workshop and central referee by the director of judges José Eulises Cruz black belt VI Dan.

This workshop began with a prayer by the instructor Ivet Ureña V Dan, then continued with the welcoming words of the president of the NGB of ANTID, Ing. Máximo Boitel IV Dan.

Followed by the speaker José Eulises Cruz, he read and clarified the topics covered in the workshop. As well as the topic of upcoming international events, including the Pan American in Honduras, the Online World Championship, the World Championship in Kazakhstan and finally our International event to be held next July of this year.

The practical part of signaling was carried out individually and in a group of three and to end with a flourish, the participants worked with the central referee.

To conclude this workshop, we proceeded with the delivery of manuals and certificates that accredit them as the central referee of our Association.

ANTID continues to grow progressively in the Dominican Republic, highlighting the ITF Original Taekwon‑do led by President Ri Yong Son

If you want to be great, prepare your army!

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