International Taekwon‑Do Federation

20 Mar 2017


On my behalf as the President of ITF, I hereby would like to congratulate all ITF family members in celebration on the specific occasion of this historical day, 22nd March, when ITF had been founded by late Gen. Choi Hong Hi exactly 51 years ago.

May I take this opportunity to express our hearty thanks and gratitude to Mrs. Choi Chun Hi, the Widow of late Gen. Choi Hong Hi and her family members on behalf of ITF.

I sincerely wish all of you would do your utmost to implement the last words of our Father Gen. Choi Hong Hi by all means, thus, let's make a certain contribution to having ITF stronger and united more firmly as desired by Gen. Choi Hong Hi.


With best regards,

Prof. Ri Yong Son
ITF President

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