International Taekwon‑Do Federation

26 Nov 2019

International Instructor Course and International Technical Seminar with Grand Master Hwang Ho Yong in Vienna, Austria.

From 22nd to 24th November, 2019, in Vienna, Austria, Austrian National Taekwon‑do Federation with president Sabum Nim Dalibor Medic, hosted International Instructor Course and International Technical Seminar conducted by Grand Master Hwang Ho Yong.  

There were more than 90 participants from all over the world. Participants came from 15 countries: UK, USA, Netherlands, Croatia, Austria, Cyprus, Poland, Russia, Nepal, Estonia, New Zealand, Sweden, Denmark, Switzerland and Czech Republic.  

ITF President Master Prof. Ri Yong Son welcomed and exhanged the personal greetings with all participants to these events in  attendence of the  opening of the IIC and ITS.

At  IIC and ITS, ANTF had expressed especially the  welcome to Grand Master Wayne Brown, Grand Master Gary Miller, Grand Master JohnTaylor, Grand Master Leslie  Hutchinson, Grand Master Cindy Armstrong, Grand Master Yeo Chin Huat and Master Ramon Mateo.  

International Instructor Course was held in the Dojang in  ITF HQs where Gen.Choi had rendered the course and seminar during his lifetime.

More than 40 Instructors attended this course. After International Instructor Course Grand Master Hwang Ho Yong examined Instructor applicants. 

On Gala dinner after International Instructor Course, Sabum Nim Dalibor Medic, welcomed ITF President Prof. Ri Yong Son, officials of ITF Headquarter, Grand Masters, Masters and all other participants.

International Technical Seminar was held in a sport hall where Sabum Nim Dalibor Medic has his Dojang. More than 70 participants had a chance to learn techniques from Grand Master Hwang Ho Yong. On this ITS there were 15 women and ANTF is happy that this number has increased from last year.  After International Technical Seminar there was a Dan  promotion test. 

During the International Technical Seminar, Mr. Ben Evans from New Zealand had been honored to introduce on ITF Special needs program and  present his book, titled Special needs Taekwon‑Do on  coaching and his vision on how to empower and include the Special needs people in Taekwon‑Do.

ANTF, with president Sabum Nim Dalibor Medic, thanks ITF President Master Prof. Ri Yong Son and ITF Headquarter, all the Grand Masters, Masters and other participants in attendance  from many countries for their support and their attendance.

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