International Taekwon‑Do Federation

28 Feb 2022

The International Instructor Course & International Technical Seminar, was carried out in a total success between February 25, 26 and 27, 2022, at the Webber Center in the city of Ocala - Florida - USA, organized by the USOTO, USA NGB in that city in charge of the Sab. Joseph Montero.

This IIC & ITF Seminar, which was declared of interest by the government authorities, for which they gave their support, meant a historic event since it is one of the first official ITF IICs to be held in the USA, since the death of of Gen. Choi Hong Hi, father of ITF Taekwon‑Do.

This  motivated the presence of the renowned Masters and Instructors: Grand Master Dr. George Vitale from New York, Master Ramón Mateo from New York, Master Dagoberto Castillo from Colombia.

And the Instructors from different City-States of the USA such as: Texas, New York, Washington DC, Florida Miami, Tampa, Ocala and from other countries such as: Puerto Rico, Honduras and Italy.

The conferences were diagrammed in different shifts and schedules both to cover the Seminar and the Course.

It is noteworthy all the participants were satisfactory with the brilliant presentation of Grand Master Osvaldo Rios Olivero, who demonstrated throughout it his recognized knowledge and wisdom.

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