International Taekwon‑Do Federation

On October 11-12-13, 2019 took place the IIC MONTREAL 2019 in Montreal in Canada. This seminar was presented by GM Dr. Linda Low from Australia.
Throughout the IIC, GM Low, bursting with energy, was able to capture the interest of all participants by transmitting to them her great passion for TKD.
The seminar started with a theoretical session. The next day, the basic principles in TKD and the patterns were approached with precision. A section was devoted to sparring and the section on self-defense was presented with great pleasure. GM Mounir Ghrawi, did us the honor of teaching us the second part of self-defense.
During this event, 5 new international instructors passed the exam. We are proud of them and we wish them all the best.
A banquet was prepared in honor of GM Low, during which members of Master Sylvain Boucher’s Dojang, the event’s host, gave a demonstration.
Master Sylvain took the opportunity to show GM Low the Olympic Stadium, the botanical garden, Mount Royal, Old Montreal and various nature parks and of course the great gastronomic diversity of the city.
We are all honored by the meeting with Dr. Grand Master Linda Low.