International Taekwon‑Do Federation

From 8th December – 9th December 2024 GM Gary Miller successfully conducted the official ITF International Instructor Course & International Technical Seminar in the Oxfordshire town of Didcot, England.
ITF members from England, Netherlands, and Scotland attended and took the opportunity to learn and successfully graduate as ITF Instructors.
Saturday involved practical (In Dobok) sessions covering the common mistakes & differences in all 24 patterns, with movement applications fully explained.
Specific explanations & positioning were given for fundamental movements, theory of power, sparring, breaking, and special technique.
Some Instructors were given the opportunity to hone their skills by testing 2nd Kup members for promotion, under the tutelage of the Masters.
Sunday held the final practical sessions followed by a classroom based theory session. On behalf of ITF, GM Gary Miller extends his warmest gratitude to all ITF members that supported and participated over the weekend.