International Taekwon‑Do Federation

International Conference Organized by FAAT- NGB ARGENTINA
On November 28th, 2020 at 8:00 pm Argentina time, an international conference took place with great success which was organized by the Argentina ITF NGB FAAT. This event took place virtually and continuing with the training program for all its members the following concepts were part of this module:
1. Terms to be an Umpire based on ITF Rules 2. Meditation as a bridge of enlightenment and balance for greater understanding of our conscience.
The opening ceremony was conducted by our highest authority of the Original Taekwon‑Do ITF in the world, Professor Master Ri Yong Son, who said many motivating words to all members regarding the difficult circumstances created by the pandemic y put Taekwon‑Do as an extraordinary tool to overcome this crisis by strengthening: the body, the mind and the spirit. He said, the World is looking at the work done by its leaders which are helping society as real heroes y asked to keep on the same path with energy and passion. After the opening ceremony, the President of FAAT and ITF Vice-President SGM Adolfo Villanueva and the President of the Panam Taekwon‑Do Council and Vice-President of FAAT, GM Ing. Osvaldo Rios Olivero, Sec Gral. PTC SM Enrique Deacon. The brilliant speech was done by Professor Dr. Dato GM Leong Wai Meng, who ITF Vice-President and Director of the Umpire Committee for ITF as well as being the main member of the Executive Committee who serves as an advisor to all ITF Grand Masters. He conducted this conference from one of his homes in Malaysia. Translation was done by Master Hugo Andres Huerta from Miami, USA.
It is important to mention that such an event many countries requested to take part:
USA, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Grenada, Trinidad & Tobago, Barbados, Antigua, Jamaica, Nicaragua, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Ecuador, Venezuela, Colombia, Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay, Uruguay, Chile and the host Argentina. There were a total of 760 black belts members between GM, Masters and Instructors. There were 250 devices connected and many had several members at once from their dojangs being groups of 5 to 20 black belts from the entire continent and mostly from Argentina.
The masters of America were present:
GM Augustus Mitchell, Mters: Steaventon Arnolds, José García, Dr. Marvin Reyes, Dr. Eleaquin Del Cid, Leonel Araujo, Henry Castillo, Dagoberto Castillo, Dr. Eduardo Ruiz Bass Werner, Hugo Huerta, Enrique Godoy , Eduardo Cabrera, Carlos Ronconi, Rene Bustos, Carlos Centeno, Omar Gómez, Alcides Gómez, Julio Bazan, Juan C. Bazan, Andres Cian, Gabriel Rodríguez, Facundo Ríos Olivero, Esteban Bolañez, Adrian Condori, Ricardo Ilvento, Victor Mercante, Fermin Rodríguez, Sebastian Villanueva, Pablo Dorado, Armando Escobar
Thank you once again to ITF President Professor Master Ri Yong Son.
Thank you once again to Professor Dr. Dato GM Leong Wai Meng for sharing with us and leading by example your humility as a high level of Wisdom.
The Path Continues. Let’s continue sharing the Grand Do!!!
For Taekwon‑Do 100% ITF as a tool for Social Construction.
Executive Committee, FAAT