International Taekwon‑Do Federation

28 Feb 2020

The first ITF event of the New Year, took place in Pafos Cyprus on January 18-19, 2020.

An International Technical Seminar with GM Hwang Ho Yong, ITF Senior Vice President and Chairman of the ITF’s Technical & Education Committee.

The seminar is being organized every year at the end of January or beginning of February, in the beautiful city of Paphos, in Cyprus. It became an institution and many Instructors and Taekwon‑do practitioners from all over Europe, are participating the seminar, combining training with short holidays, in the nice weather of Cyprus.

GM Hwang Ho Yong was assisted by GM Wayne Brown, Seminar Contactor and BTF President, and the members of the ITF Technical & Education Committee Master Martin Zamecnik and Master Lefteris Polydorou.

A total of 30 black belt holders, Grand Masters, Masters, International and National Instructors participated in the Seminar, together with some local color and black belt holders, members of the national Federation. They had the opportunity, to learn new things, clarify some point and ask questions and discuss Taekwon‑do Techniques and patterns during the Seminar. Around dinner table or with a cup of coffee, or beer they participants shear opinions about Taekwon‑do in general, both self-defense techniques and competitions.

Everybody had a good time, made new friend, cache up with old friends and share a bottle of good wine, enjoying Cyprus food and delicacies.

Best wishes of a successful Taekwon‑do year to everybody.

Master Lefteris Polydorou VII

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