International Taekwon‑Do Federation

26 Sep 2022

The Cyprus Taekwon‑do Federation hosted an International Technical Seminar & International Instructor Course from September 2 to September 4, 2022, in Limassol Cyprus, with GM Hwang Ho Yong.

24 instructors and students from Cyprus, UK, Czechia, Norway, Israel and the Netherlands participated in the International Technical Seminar.

For the International Instructor course, we had 10 participants from Cyprus, UK, Czech & Netherlands.

Also from August 31st to September 2nd a training camp accessible also to athletes from other Martial arts was held with Mr. Jan Mracek 6 DAN, head coach of the Czech national team.

The event was held at the Park Beach Hotel, in Limassol Cyprus. A beautifull venue next to the sea.

One person was tested to become a new international instructor.

Five people were tested for the next degree.


Master Lefteris Polydorou

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