International Taekwon‑Do Federation

18 Nov 2021

The virtual ITF Executive Broad Meeting was held on the 18th Nov. 2021 and lasted one & half hours.

This meeting was attended by 15 ITF EB Members of 20, as well as several ITF members who were invited including Mr. Choe Hyong Chol, Vice-Chairman of the ITF Finance & Marketing Committee, Master Sonu Chol, the Secretary General of Asian Taekwon‑Do Federation, Master Frank Diaz, Vice-Chairman of the ITF Tournament Committee.

All ITF EB members exchanged greetings and freely discussed about the 2021 ITF Taekwon‑Do Online World Championships in Patterns and Self-defence to be held from 20 Dec- 23 Dec, 2021.

Starting the meeting, ITF President highly praised ITF NGBs and Taekwon‑Do clubs who have arranged the significant memorial events in congratulation of the birthday of Gen. Choi, the Founder of Taekwon‑Do.

He also kindly requested Mr. Choe Hyong Chol, Vice-Chairman of ITF Finance & Marketing Committee, to pass the warm greetings onto the Gen. Choi Hong Hi’ family members including Ms. Choi Chun Hi, the Widow of Gen. Choi Hong Hi, in the name of ITF EB members and on behalf of all the members of ITF. 

Grand Master Osvaldo Rios, the Chairman of the Organizing Committee of 2021 ITF Taekwon‑Do Online World Championships in Patterns and Self-defence, and Mr. Anton Archipov reported to the ITF EB of the latest works on the preparations for this Championships.

Mr. Anton Archipov, the ITF Data Protection Officer, made a good technical presentation on the registration, management, scoring, medal award, broadcasting and other issues of this Championships.

At this meeting it was also strongly reminded to the ITF Umpire Committee under a final discussion with Korean Taekwon‑Do Committee to earlier complete the updated plan of the International Umpire Course and the plan of the Coach Course to secure the unified course contents.

All the participants expressed their congratulations on this wonderful and modern ITF Online Platform establishment which guarantees the successful ITF Online Taekwon‑Do Championship including the registration, management and record in a full content in response to the IT times’ requirements in the developing 21st Century.

They also made the suggestions to keep on organizing this kind of the Online ITF Taekwon‑Do Championships at all levels and Online ITF Taekwon‑Do Course & Training furthermore in the coming years even after the end of the current Covid-19 Pandemic, thus securing the constant development of ITF in the future.

At the conclusion of the meeting, the ITF President emphasized that all ITF members will overcome the hardships brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic by displaying the Taekwon‑Do spirit through vigorous Taekwon‑Do activities.


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