International Taekwon‑Do Federation

17 May 2023

Official report International Technical Seminar with GM Tan Chek Si, Senior Grading and ITFPTI Congress 2023.

Taking place from May 12-15, 2023 in Las Piñas, Philippines, the ITF Pilipinas Taekwon‑Do (NGB Philippines) has organized the Annual ITS, Senior Grading and Congress 2023. 

Events were conducted by GM Tan Chek Si, VP Asian Taekwon‑Do Federation with Special participation  of Master Sonu, Secretary General Asian Taekwon‑Do Federation and Master Lee Sock Cheng, KITA Malaysia. More than 60 participants were present (a combination of both blackbelts and colored belts were present)

First day and second day events were held in Vistamall, Las Piñas with more than 25 senior and junior blackbelts in attendance. This was followed by another set of training including the coloredbelts. The second day was also fruitful with the same set of blackbelts learning patterns in depth.

Third day marked the Senior Grading with 9 blackbelts graded to another level.

Events were then concluded with the Annual Congress which highlighted the yearly plan as well as the Philippines' participation on the 22nd ITF World Championship in Astana, Kazakhstan this coming August.

Eduardo Papa
Vice-President, ITF Pilipinas Taekwon‑Do

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