International Taekwon‑Do Federation

12 May 2020

Grand Masters and Masters,

Dear Members,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

May I take this opportunity to express my thanks and appreciation to all of you regardless of your affiliated organization for your continuous support and deep attention to the development of Taekwon‑Do worldwide in this unprecedented difficult time.

Needless to say, in this situation, our No. 1 priority is given to the safety and health of all the Taekwon‑Do brothers and sister and all the peoples across this globe.

The facts that we still continue seeing the losses of the precious lives of the peoples including the children here and there on this planet even today make us terribly upset and frustrated and it is my wish we should get together than ever to overcome this hard time in the nearer future.

In order to save our precious ones, we should listen to and preserve the preventive measures put forward by the local authorities against the common enemy, the covid-19, and must further do our best for keeping us safer and healthier.

In the point of my view, Taekwon‑Do is one of the best options to challenge this horrific pandemic disease and let me advise you to do Taekwon‑Do training as much as you can.

To be honest, it is the superiority of Taekwon‑Do that enables everybody to train alone mentally and physically in the house or in a little space if you have.

Now this modern society requires us to introduce the modern creativity in organizing the Taekwon‑Do training and competitions, that is online platform for the training and competitions.

The talent and capable persons in Taekwon‑Do have already created these kinds of competitions that galvanizes everybody to be part of this online event, thus it encourages the peoples to do Taekwon‑Do training every day without stop.

Please join us !

If you join us together, I am confident that you could enjoy better life and minimize the risks to be infected by this dirty disease. 

In conclusion, I pray for your good life and sincerely wish you staying safe and well.

Thank you. 

Prof. RI Yong Son

ITF President



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