International Taekwon‑Do Federation

On Sunday, July 2, 2023, we successfully celebrated our IV ANTID 2023 Champions Cup International Tournament.
We are very grateful to everyone who made our event possible. Sponsors: Haydée Fadul, La Sanjuanera, Colmado Fernández, Solola's, La Fabril, CORPESA Investment Center, Yaca, La Altagracia Cooperative, Confecciones Bernabel, ASOKASA Santiago Karate Association.
To all Associations, Federations, instructors, teachers, Judges, parents, students and relatives.
Our event had the participation of 250 participants, including the participation of Puerto Rico, Haiti and instructor Julio Peralta representing Team USA as invited countries.
We are very proud and happy to meet the expectations of being a well-organized event in charge of the technical and organizational directors José E Cruz 6th Dan and Ivet Ureña 5th Dan and the entire team of black belts and collaborators, complying with the deadline. start and finish.
It is important to note that we belong to the International Taekwon‑do Federation ITF directed by Prof. RI Yong Son
ITF Taekwon‑do continues to grow and strengthen in the Dominican Republic under the direction of our president, Ing Máximo Boitel.