International Taekwon‑Do Federation

24 Jun 2024

The Memorial Service for the 22nd Anniversary of passing away of Gen Choi Hong Hi, the Founder of ITF & Taekwon‑Do was successfully held from 13th to 18th June, in Pyongyang, DPR Korea, the motherland of Taekwon‑Do.

Participants were 124 people of Taekwon‑Do & Martial Art from 24 countries including ITF Vice-Presidents and EB members of ITF & IMGC.

Over 200 Taekwon‑Doists of Grand Masters, Masters, Instructors and athletes from the Korean Taekwon‑Do Committee took part in the Ceremony as well.

On 15th June, the day of passing way of Gen. Choi, all participants visited the Patriotic Martyrs Cemetery and presented the bouquets of flowers to the tomb of Gen.Choi who had devoted  his whole life for the development of ITF and the spread of Original Taekwon‑Do worldwide, and paid a silent tribute cherishing the memory of him.

On same day, the participants watched the TV documentary which shows the development history of ITF and Original TKD, and visited the Taekwon‑Do historical room and exhibition room of Gen Choi’s relics in the TKD Holy Center while enjoyed the TKD demonstration performed by the Korean instructors and athletes.

On 17th, June, the 2nd Class Order of Friendship of DPR Korea were awarded to Master Mario Bogdanov, the ITF vice-president and GM Michael Prewett, the EITF President who have devoted themselves for the development of ITF and its awarding ceremony were took place at the Mansudae Assembly Hall.

During the ceremony time, the participants visited the various places in Pyongyang City such as the Mangyongdae, Lake Chon on the top of Mt. Paektu, National Gifts Exhibition House, Kangdong Greenhouse Farm, Mansudae Art Studio, Rangnang Museum, the Tower of the Juche Idea and Pyongyang Metro.

Moreover they also appreciated the National Symphony Orchestra and took part in the torch lighting ceremony for the 9th IMG.

On 16th and 17th June, the Special TKD Course & Intensive Training was conducted by Grand Master and Master of Korean Taekwon‑Do Committee  in the Taekwon‑Do Palace.

The ITF Executive Board Meeting was held on 14th June in conjunction with the Ceremony and were addressed the live issues related to the ITF events such as the World Cup Taekwon‑Do Gmaes-2024, revision of ITF Tournament & Umpire Rules, together with   the candidate criteria for promotion of  Grand Masters & Masters.

The memorial service was a significant opportunity for all participants to look back upon the merits and the trace of Gen. Choi Hong Hi, who had devoted his whole life with his heart and soul for the Original  Taekwon‑Do and ITF.

With best regard,

Korean Taekwon‑Do Committee

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