International Taekwon‑Do Federation

On 15 August 2021, the Senegal ITF with Mr. Ibrahima Sy as its NGB Representative, hosted a demonstration in front of their parents with students from the Serigne Bassirou Mbacke De Boune Club.
Mr. Nadir Makhroub, Vice-President of Taekwon‑Do Federation of Africa, presented certifications following the magnificent demonstration.
And on 11th Sep2021, many students of ITF Senegal have been awarded the Original ITF Certificates issued from ITF in Vienna, Austria.
Senegal ITF currently has now growing number of active practitioners, month by month, and 70% of whom are children.
Although we may lack the resources necessary for rapid development, we are dedicated to promoting the Original Taekwon‑Do on a long-term basis.
We plan to organize a national tour in the future to promote Taekwon‑Do in other regions of the country and host a national competition in December, this year.
Aicha Sow
Secretary of the Senegal ITF