International Taekwon‑Do Federation

17 Apr 2021

PTC-ITF International Seminar

Today was the International Seminar for the 66th Anniversary of Taekwon‑Do, organized by the Panam Taekwon‑Do Council ITF-PTC. GM Eng. Hwang Ho Yong - ITF Education and Technical Committee Director - S. Vice President and EBM ITF conducted the Seminar.

This Mega Event was a historical event since the Webinar had the virtual participation of more than 900 members from all over America, from Canada to Argentina, was also transmitted by streaming to the students of the Czech Republic simultaneously.

We highlight the professionalism with which the entire Organizing Committee works so that this event has been a success that makes us proud and puts ITF Taekwon‑Do of America in consideration of the world.

Thank you to all the NGB ITFs on the continent for trusting us!


For the willingness and conviction to continue with the passionate search for improvement!!


GM Eng. Osvaldo Ríos Olivero

           President PTC

                EBM ITF


GM Adolfo Villanueva

Vice- President ITF by America

                EBM ITF

SM Dr. Enrique Deacon

        Sec. Gral. PTC

              EBM ITF

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