International Taekwon‑Do Federation

9 May 2023

On the weekend of 6th and 7th May 2023, at the request of the ITF, a special online technical course focused on the proper and uniform execution of techniques in competitions, particularly in patterns, special techniques and power breaking events, was held to avoid confusions and disruptions among the athletes and umpires in technical matters. The course was conducted by Grand Master Prof. Hwang Ho Yong 9th Dan, ITF Senior Vice President and Chairman of the ITF Technical & Education Committee.

The course was intended primarily for the International Umpires officiating this year’s 22nd ITF World Championships in Astana, Kazachstan, and for the Head Coaches of national teams. In total, 372 participants from 57 countries registered for the course, including 13 Grand Masters from all over the world. Particularly, in attendance was Grand Master Michael E. Prewett 9th Dan, EITF President, Chairman of the EITF Umpire Committee a Member of the ITF Umpire Committee, who was invited to cooperate and supervise the course.

The course started with GM Hwang thoroughly explaining the theory of power, how to judge the power of competitiors’ techniques, and pointing out common mistakes in body movement and breath control. Then, all 24 patterns were demonstrated; once without command and once by count with explanations and clarifications of common mistakes. The last part was dedicated to explaining the proper way to both execute and judge special techniques and power breaking movements.

The course was arranged and supported by the Czech Taekwon‑Do Federation which has considerable experience with online seminars and courses. English translation was provided by Masters Martin Zamecnik 7th Dan and Ondrej Vrabel 7th Dan, with several Czech students and instructors participating as demonstrators.

All ITF members wishing to train with and experience GM Hwang Ho Yong in person have the opportunity at the upcoming ITF International Technical Seminar in Prague, Czechia, on 26–28th May 2023. Registration is possible through the ITF DB.

Dr. Petr Parik, Ph.D.
President, Czech Taekwon‑Do Federation

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