International Taekwon‑Do Federation

7 Jul 2022

Master Hugo Huerta and Master Andres Huerta, both 8th Dan International Instructor and
Umpire, are father and son. We started our Taekwon‑Do training in 1985 in a small town in
Texas called Dumas. Our first instructor was a direct student of GM Kwang Hwang Sung from
Connecticut. We trained with our first instructor until 1993 when we decided to move to Chile
which is our country of origin. At this time, we were 2nd Dans. Once relocated to Chile and
settled in, it was time for us to look for Taekwon‑Do schools in the region to continue our
training. In early of 1994, we met, Master Pablo Sabalain. He was the person who reintroduced
Taekwon‑Do ITF in Chile in 1992 and the NGB Leader. From that moment on, we became
members of the Chilean National Taekwon‑Do Association. During these first years training
under Master Sabalain, we truly understood what Taekwon‑Do was and from our Founder
General Choi Hong Hi.
In 1995, we had the opportunity to participate in our 1st International Instructors Course taught
by General Choi Hong Hi in Argentina. For us, this was the first opportunity to hear our
Founder speak and teach. From this point on, we knew this was more than an activity to
participate in. We understood this was a Way a Life and Taekwon‑Do would be part of the rest
of our lives. In 1996, we had our 2nd opportunity to learn from the Founder. Master Sabalain,
being the NGB Leader of Chile, organized an International Instructors Course taught by the
Founder in Santiago, Chile. With the Founder in Chile, we had the opportunity to continue our
growth and tested for the next Dan. After this experience, we had the opportunity to do 2 more
International Instructor Courses with our Founder.
Everything was going well in Chile. Our organization had many members; we had a great
national team, competing in National and International Tournaments, Panam Games and World
Championships. As we all know, our Founder past away in 2002 and this started a worldwide
revolution between 2 known groups. Master Sabalain and we decided to stay and follow the
newly named President, Professor Chang Ung but this had a huge cost to our Association. We
had few members and had to form a new organization. This was when we formed, Federacion
de Taekwon‑Do ITF de la Republica de Chile, “FETRECH”. Currently, this is Official NGB in
Chile. A step in the recognition process, we had the visit of Professor Chang Ung, Master Ri
Yong Son and other ITF representatives in 2003. From this moment on, we had the huge
obligation of working for ITF and its growth in Chile.
Master Hugo and Master Andres have participated in all Panam Games since 1998, in most all
the World Championships since 1999 and all the Congresses since then. We have dedicated our
lives to the development of Taekwon‑Do in Chile as well as supporting the growth in the
Americas. As our Master, Pablo Sabalain, had the opportunity to introduce Taekwon‑Do ITF in
Chile, we had the opportunity of introducing Taekwon‑Do ITF in Ecuador. Master Andres
currently develops Taekwon‑Do ITF in the US living in Miami, Florida.
Since we have decided to have Taekwon‑Do be part of our lives, we have also introduced our art
to our family members. Master Andres’ 3 children also train Taekwon‑Do. His 2 older children
are Black Belts and his younger daughter is a 2nd Gup. All 3 have had great success in
International Competitions as well as International Training and Seminars.
Both Master Hugo’s wife and Master Andres’ wife participate actively with all that is needed for
the continued development of Taekwon‑Do in the areas of work. Without their support, it would
be very difficult to concentrate on the task at hand, the strengthening of Taekwon‑Do ITF in the
Now, in 2022, we had the approval of ITF for our 8th Dans. We had the honor of meeting with
our President, Master Ri Yong Son in Vienna and receive our certificates from at ITF
We have confirmed and vowed to our President once again that we will work in favor of the
strengthening and growth of Taekwon‑Do ITF in our region in any way possible.

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