International Taekwon‑Do Federation

Technical seminar was organized on 20th Oct 2024 by the technical and education committee of All Afghanistan National Taekwon‑do Association ITF at one of AANTA's center (Niazi Training Hall Head Dojang) in Kabul.
Prior to the training session and seminar Master Hed Mohammad Shirzai conducted a meeting with the senior instructors for the entire year program to include Seminars and championships within Afghanistan.
Master Hed Mohammad Shirzai assigned seniors specifically the Chairman’s of Umpire and technical and education Committee to conduct seminars every two months. In addition, the Tournament Committee is assigned to conduct all Kabul ITF Taekwon‑Do championships soon. Furthermore, the relevant committees are assigned to conduct Sparring Seminar, Technical Tul Seminar, Junior and senior team training.
The meeting is concluded with the approval and agreement of the participants.
The Training session started on the morning of Sunday at 6:00am with the Taekwon‑Do relevant exercise and training. The participants have performed group Tuls, individual sparring and many other exercises. At the end of the session AANTA instructors explained the latest development of ITF in the World and as well as shared the recent experiences in addition they provided information on the upcoming Uzbekistan World Cup Games 2024 and ITF Afghanistan participation in this event.
The session ended with group photos and breakfast provided.
Noor Mohammad Shirzai
Under Secretary General,
All Afghanistan National Taekwon‑do Association ITF