International Taekwon‑Do Federation

31 Aug 2024

On August 29, 2024, the Tunisian National Taekwondo ITF Committee organized the first national championship in Sidi Bouzid, in southern Tunisia.

A total of 452 male and female athletes participated across all categories, having qualified from a pool of 3,684 competitors who took part in the regional and provincial qualifiers held throughout the sports season. Additionally, 20 referees were involved in the event.

During the national championship, Dan certificates were awarded, and the atmosphere was one of great joy.

Notably, several coaches and athletes attended the original Taekwondo matches for the first time and confirmed that it was the best.

They decided to join the Tunisian National Taekwondo ITF  committee starting from the upcoming season.

Special thanks are extended to the President of the International Taekwon‑Do Federation and the Technical Director and everyone who contributed to promoting Taekwondo ITF in Tunisia.

The Tunisian National Taekwondo ITF committee is currently preparing to host the first General Choi Hong Hi memorial International Tournament in December 2024, which is expected to have a bright future.

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