International Taekwon‑Do Federation

24 Mar 2021

On the occasion of the 55th anniversary of the International Taekwon‑Do Federation the Czech Taekwon‑Do Federation, in cooperation with its chief instructor, Grand Master Hwang Ho Yong 9th Dan, organized an International Instructor Course, which was officially endorsed by the ITF HQ.

A completion of the International Instructor Course and a successful examination is a necessary condition for achieving the ultimate teaching qualification in Taekwon‑Do, the title of International Instructor. Only an International Instructor can teach Taekwon‑Do and test students everywhere around the world.

Due to the ongoing global pandemic crisis, the entire International Instructor Course was held online on the Zoom platform and was open to all ITF members with the minimum rank of 3rd Dan.

The course was attended by more than 140 Taekwon‑Do practitioners from 31 countries.

Most participants were from the United Kingdom, Malaysia, Spain and Czechia. The course was also attended by representatives of Algeria, Argentina, Australia, Barbados, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China (Macau), Colombia, Croatia, Cyprus, Finland, Greece, Greenland, Grenada, Honduras, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Madagascar, Norway, Poland, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea and Sweden.

Many ITF Grand Masters also attended the course, including GM Ming Low and Fook Chee Tam from Australia, GM Augustus Mitchell from Grenada, and GM Michael Prewett, GM Les Hutchison, GM Wayne Brown, GM John Taylor and GM Gary Miller from the United Kingdom.

On Saturday, the International Instructor Course commenced with two theoretical lectures that proceeded according to the pre-prepared plan set by Grand Master Hwang Ho Yong, and continued on Sunday with a practical lecture about how to lead a class and especially, how to correctly teach the system of sparring.

After the Sunday's practical lecture, Grand Master Hwang Ho Yong examined 45 International Instructor candidates, one by one. Eventually, all candidates have passed the exam.

We are very happy that there was such an interest in this course and we are even more pleased by the positive feedback from the participants.

Right now, the organization of the 2nd online ITF International Technical Seminar conducted by Grandmaster Hwang Ho Yong is underway. This seminar will take place on 10th and 11th April 2021 and it will honor the 66th anniversary of the naming of Taekwon‑Do on 11th April 1955.

Based on your huge interest, we are seriously considering also organizing a 2nd online ITF International Instructor Course around this June.

Once again, we would like to thank Grand Master Hwang Ho Yong for conducting this very successful course and we believe that he gave all participants a lot of new things in their future work.

Dr. Petr Parik, Ph.D.
Vice President, Czech Taekwon‑Do Federation

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