International Taekwon‑Do Federation

In 1989, General Choi Hong Hi introduced gave an impetus to the development of the Taekwondo ITF in Uzbekistan. There were several seminars led by Choi Hong Hi. General Choi Hong Hi has led several seminars that brought built the momentum to flourish Taekwon‑Do especially in Tashkent, the capital of Uzbekistan. Tashkent became the center of Taekwon‑Do for the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States in 1989.
ITF Taekwon‑Do began to develop in our country in 1989 and Taekwon‑Do ITF Patriot Development Centre was established in the times of the former USSR. After the independence from the falling USSR in 1991, the National Association Taekwon‑Do ITF of Uzbekistan was formed and the leader was Mr A. Shubsky from the Lotus Club. General Choi Hong Hi played a very important role to help unite as well as uplifted the standard of the Taekwondo of Uzbekistan hence the national association was born. The then President of Uzbekistan Mr Islam Karimov was awarded an honorary 5th Dan Black Belt.
By 1991 we had about 3000 members in about 30 clubs. Among the first international class masters were E.Li, PA Shubsky, Yu Li, FLS. Khasanov, Khalilov & M Mirzakhonov, Li Yu and Mukkaramov UZR Ergasheva.
Taekwon‑Do is a universal sport and a way to use your body for self-defense, which has practically no contraindications. This art has deep historical roots. Through daily Taekwon‑Do training it extraordinarily expand the range of individual human capabilities and contribute to development of the art.
At present, over 40 thousand athletes are engaged in Uzbekistan. The Korean diaspora in Uzbekistan is now about 80 thousand. Together with the Korean diaspora, Taekwon‑Do rises in Uzbekistan. The 8th Junior and 3rd Veteran World Championship was held in 2008 where more than one thousand athletes from 68 countries participated. In 2018, the President of the International Taekwon‑Do Federation, Professor Ri Yong Son, attended the Cup of Uzbekistan and this was the impetus for the development of Taekwon‑Do in Uzbekistan. Professor Ri Yong Son met with the Korean diaspora in Tashkent in and many issues were discussed. During the Cup of Uzbekistan, there were several meetings with our Minister of Sports and the Vice President of the Olympic Committee of Uzbekistan.
My brief history as the President of National Association Taekwon‑Do ITF of Uzbekistan
I began to engage in this art of Taekwon‑Do since 1989 and currently my experience is 31 years.
In 2000, I was elected vice president of the National Association Taekwon‑Do ITF of Uzbekistan. During my presence, I attracted a large number of young people namely Koreans living in Uzbekistan to join our Taekwon‑Do classes. I was then elected in 2011 as President and hold this position until now.
In 2008, we organized and held the 8th Junior and 3rd Veteran World Championship attracting athletes from around the world took part. In 2018, we successfully held the Cup of Uzbekistan Championship, with the kind attendance of ITF President Professor Ri Yong Son. I am proud to announce that we have more than 40,000 athletes that are involved in our association at present
It is also worth noting that on behalf of our association during quarantine related to the COVID-19 pandemic, financial assistance was provided to over 600 low-income families.
Laziz Khasanov
President NATITF Uzbekistan