International Taekwon‑Do Federation

The UK Taekwon‑Do Association, celebrating its 55th anniversary, conducted a National Seminar & Black Belt Grading in Moray Sports Centre, Elgin, Scotland from 4th–6th March 2022. The Seminar was conducted by UKTA President GM John Williamson of Scotland, ITF Wales President GM John Taylor, and EITF Umpire Committee member GM Gary Miller of England. All 24 patterns were practiced and corrected, along with a full syllabus of fundamental movement, callisthenics, sparring, breaking, special techniques and self-defence.
Our very special guest was EITF President Grand Master Michael Prewett.
The Grand Masters were assisted by Master Andrew Whiteley, Master Sean Cattanach (UKTA National Secretary), Master Paul Harris (Chairman, UKTA Umpire Committee), Master John Reilly, Master Peter McAnna, Master Steve Millis, Master Philip Taverner and Master Kevin Pilkinton.
43 candidates were successfully promoted, including Mr William Hampson who tested to 7th degree.
A minute silence was held in support of our Taekwon‑Do friends in Ukraine.
GM Williamson commented, "I would like to thank all our members, from Elgin to Exeter, for supporting this event in my home town and where Elgin School of Taekwon‑Do was established almost 50 years ago."