International Taekwon‑Do Federation

12 Apr 2021

On 13th June 2021, in memoriam of Our Father Founder General Choi Hong Hi,

Madagascar ITF Dojang Heng De has organized Pedagogical Course based on Taekwon‑Do for Black Belts who have Dojang.

The Course has been shared to two parts:

1- Theory (Philosophy of Taekwon‑Do,Secret of Taekwon‑Do,Relationships Students/Black Belts, leading trainings, system of examinations,composition of Taekwon‑Do,conduct in Dojang, command during Class and humanity Science)

2-Practise (fundamental lines ABC, Different angles , different motions,Steps sparrings)

It is the system We choose to help to develop every student  in moral Culture and level techniques.

Because of Pandemic, We can't have competitions or many students group training.So, it will be the mission of every Black Belt to transfert the knowledge to students by teaching.

It was also the Occasion for Us to exchange news about all Dojangs situations. SahyunNim Jaren Phillips also joined the Course opening and invited our members for 23-25th July Seminar will be conducted by Himself.

Our mission is let developing a pure and real Taekwon‑Do in Madagascar.


Mr.Yvesfrancky Rakoto

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