International Taekwon‑Do Federation

23 Jul 2019


Dear Grand Masters and Masters, Dear ITF Leadership, Dear NGB's and participants,

It is a great pleasure once again to welcome the Taekwon–Do ITF elite in the city of Plovdiv.I am looking forward to meeting you all at the biggest ITF event and I hope that you and your members will enjoy a pleasant and unforgettable experience in Bulgaria, one which we can all be proud of and have good memories to reflect on.

Ministry of Youth and Sports, The Bulgarian Taekwon–Do Federation ITF and Plovdiv Municipality are hoping of your understanding and support, and are looking forward to seeing you soon again.We are looking forward to seeing you all, during the 21ST ITF Taekwon–Do World Championship from 24TH to 30TH of August 2019. 

Truly yours in Taekwon–Do,


ITF Vice President

EITF Vice President

President of the Bulgarian Taekwon–Do ITF Federation

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