International Taekwon‑Do Federation

As of May 25, the Championship began, with the participation of 48 children's categories, in Tul and Sparring, Gup Youth a total of 44 categories, in Tul and Sparring, Youth categories black belt 18 categories in Tul and Sparring and the senior category 14 categories of Tul and Sparring and 2 categories of veterans and 2 categories of special techniques and 2 categories of power techniques.
At the inauguration we had the presence of the Honorable Congresswoman Lawyer Silvia Ayala, Sports Commissioner of the National Congress of Honduras on behalf of the Honorable Congressman Eng. Luis Redondo, President of the National Congress of Honduras, who sponsored the XV Pan American Championship, which was a total success.
GM Eduardo Palmisano from Argentina, GM Enrique Deacon from Peru, GM Raul H. Bonilla from Honduras and Master Jose Julio Garcia from Puerto Rico worked shoulder to shoulder in the development of the event.