International Taekwon‑Do Federation

ITF Anti-Doping Speak Up

ITF Speak Up Against Doping Page

Speak up and be heard on integrity issues of International Taekwon‑Do Federation for Anti-Doping.

Help us protect athletes and the integrity of our sport. We know that coming forward with sensitive information is a big decision and one that you would not take lightly. We applaud the courage required to raise concerns about doping. You have chosen to put your trust in us and we take that very seriously. This page is a secure way for you to report activity that you think goes against anti-doping rules. Whether you decide to remain anonymous or provide us with your contact information, everything you tell us is strictly confidential.

You can help protect the integrity of International Taekwon‑Do Federation (ITF) by reporting any doping activities, including but not limited to:

·      Unethical behaviour by coaches, athletes and support personnel in your country and at sanction ITF Competitions. e.g. administering non approved by with a TUE letter, any substances ringside or before or during an event.

·      the use, or attempted use of performance and image enhancing drugs (PIEDs) by athletes or sporting teams

·      any attempts to evade, or tamper with the anti-doping testing process

·      the possession or supply of PIEDs to athletes or sporting teams

·      the facilitation of doping, or related activities by athletes or support personnel

·      any attempt to cover up doping, including threatening people from speaking up.


Please use the secure email link provided above and in your statement provide answers to the questions below.

1.    What are you reporting?

a.    Someone providing prohibited enhancing substances

b.    Athletes taking prohibited substances

c.     Other

2.    Provide your name (or alias)

3.    Nationality

4.    Email

5.    Phone Contact

6.    Report

a.    When did the incident occur? (Please specify a period of time)

b.    Name of Individual or Entity reported (Please include also City and Country and Contact Information (If available)

c.     Please describe your suspicion or knowledge of the incident in as much detail as possible (Be as specific as possible – who, what, when)

7.    Did anyone observe the conduct/activity? Yes/No/I don’t know

8.    Who was involved?

9.    Does anyone other than yourself know of the actions and can provide any additional details? Yes/No/I don’t know

10. If Yes, please provide more information

11. If this conduct/activity did happen to you, how did you learn of it?

12. Do you have any evidence (including your own observations, any documentation, witness statements) relating to the conduct? If so, what is that documentation?

13. Have you reported this to any other person / organisation?

14. Please provide any other information you feel is important relating to what you are reporting about

You will need to state:

I declare all the information in this report to be true to the best of my knowledge and agree that it can be submitted to the ITF Ant-Doping Disciplinary Tribunal that manage Anti-Doping offences.

Date (dd/mm/yyyy)

Name (or alias)