International Taekwon‑Do Federation
Submitted articles

29 Jun 2022
How I have discovered ITF Taekwon‑Do favorite Martial Art by accident, and it has been your way of life How do I come across Taekwon‑Do? I am from Finland, a country where Santa Claus lives and is known for Ice-hockey, skiing, ski jumping, and multiple Rally – and Formula 1 drivers. I have spent most of my life in a small city in Finland, which is 60 km outside the capital…
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14 Jun 2022
Choi Hong-Hi Former Ambassador and Army General Author, Artist and Teacher The principle founder of the Original Taekwon‑Do Founder of the 1st Korea Taekwon‑Do Association (KTA) Founder of the International Taekwon‑Do Federation (ITF) Founder of the International Martial Arts Games Committee (IMGC) General Choi would say he had two names. The one given by his parents,…
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20 Oct 2021
It is with sadness that the UK Taekwon‑Do Association has learnt of the recent passing of one of our early instructors, Mr Bert Callender. Mr Callender was a true gentleman with impeccable TaeKwon‑Do technical ability. During the late 60s and early 70s, he instructed a large number of senior instructors, Masters, and Grand Masters in Wales. He was also one of only two UKTA…
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15 Oct 2021
I was born in Cambodia in 1961. When I was small, other children treated me badly. Therefore, in 1970, I began to practice Taekwon‑Do to strengthen my body and spirit. Because it is both visually appealing and functional, Taekwon‑Do is a sport that appeals to me on a deep level. Besides, Taekwon‑Do helped me to survive in the jungles where I was sent together with my…
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7 Dec 2020
Reminiscing fondly my days with General Choi Hong Hi By ITF President Prof. Ri Yong Son My Taekwon‑Do journey began in secondary school in Chongjin City in North Hamgyong Provence. I trained Taekwon‑Do alongside handball practice. It is widely known that my country is renowned as the Motherland of Taekwon‑Do, thus it is popular and considered an obligation for everyone…
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2 Jun 2020
60th Birthday Interview (2016) Taekwon‑Do ITF Grandmaster and Professor Hwang Ho Yong has been among the most important personalities of Czech martial arts for decades. Ever since his arrival in Prague in 1987, students, not only Czech, have had the opportunity to learn the Korean martial art directly from the source and to be students of the world’s leading Taekwon‑Do…
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17 Apr 2020
Promotion to 7th Degree I, the President of the British Isles Taekwon‑do Federation had the greatest Honour in having the Founder of Taekwon‑do General Choi Hong Hi come to his home town to conduct an IIC for his students and Instructors. I was promoted to 7th Degree Master by General Choi Hong Hi on the last day of the Seminar ( August 2nd 1998). The Seminar was held at the local…
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