International Taekwon‑Do Federation

17 Apr 2020

Promotion to 7th Degree

I, the President of the British Isles Taekwon‑do Federation  had the greatest  Honour in having the Founder of Taekwon‑do General Choi Hong Hi come to his home town to conduct an IIC for his students and Instructors.

I  was promoted to 7th Degree Master by General Choi Hong Hi on the last day of the Seminar ( August 2nd 1998).

The Seminar was held at the local Whitburn Academy with 150 plus students from blue belt to black belt from all over the UK.

Before breakfast every morning we witnessed General Choi’s morning training schedule , He toughened his hands doing many varied techniques on the hard wood standards, this was how he formed the calloused hands , and also toughened the mind and spirit , This was amazing to witness and it inspired me to become the GM I’m now honoured to be .

The first day of the seminar covered Fundamental movements and patterns from Chon-Ji Tul through to Chong-Moo Tul, with all moments explained in detail and performance Enhanced and inspired by his tremendous Knowledge and aura.

On the second day The Founder explained the purpose and method of each movement and how to develop the Training Secret of Taekwon‑do in every movement whether an attack or defence.

General Choi Hong Hi Explained how to teach your students and never tire of teaching, explaining How to achieve these qualities by teaching scientifically and theoretically to save time and energy.

On the last day of the Seminar General Choi Hong Hi taught everyone how the Ideal Instructor and student relationships are like Soldiers and Generals leading there army.

You need them to lead you, students will and can only excel under an excellent Instructor he said.

After we completed all the patterns, we discussed how to create the Theory of Power by  teaching Taekwon‑Do training , Reaction Force , Concentration, Equilibrium, breath control and speed , these are the factors that will result in a high degree Of physical power.

General Choi Hong Hi Congratulated me on the knowledge of all the students and said he would love to return to Scotland again.

He has inspired everyone of my students from white belt to black belt on this Seminar.

It was my honour to invite the Founder for a Seminar and to have him as a guest was super special, and being promoted to Master 7th Degree was Amazing and an Honour.

Grand Master Leslie Hutchison

President and Technical Director at British Isles Taekwon‑Do Federation

Executive Board Member ITF

Vicepresident EITF for the North-West region

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