International Taekwon‑Do Federation

16 Jul 2024

This tournament was developed with many successes since more than 300 competitors and more than 300 spectators participated, among them more than 80 competitors belonging to foreign delegations.
Puerto Rico represented by the NGB Luis Datiz.

 Honduras represented by delegate Juan de Dios Salomón.

El Salvador represented by Sara Johnson.

Important authorities were present at the inauguration, such as:  
Arsenio Marte president of the National Taekwon‑do Association ITF Dominicana ANTID.

  Daniel Rivera senator of the province of Santiago.

 Representative of the Ministry of Sports of the Santiago City Council.

We want to highlight that more than 50 black belts participated in this tournament, covering all categories of female and male Danes from I Dan to V Dan.

Different modalities were developed in our tournament:
Motor skill, individual tulle, individual combat, team tulle, and team combat.

Our International Taekwon‑do Tournament ITF ANTID Champions Cup 2024 took place on Saturday, July 6, black belt category and Sunday, July 7, color belt category.

We want to highlight that more than 50 black belts participated in this tournament, covering all female and male Dan categories from I Dan to V Dan.

Places obtained by team:

1st in Tulle for the Puerto Rican team.
2nd in Tulle for the Dominican Republic team.

ITF Taekwon‑do continues to grow in the Dominican Republic, now in the hands of NGB Arsenio Marte and his entire team

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