International Taekwon‑Do Federation

16 May 2020

Occasions with Gen. Choi Hong Hi

The first time I met Gen. Choi was in 1994 during the 9th World Championship in Malaysia, when I was still a school girl.

It was only in 1999, I got the opportunity to attend his international seminar.  I was really very surprised to see how energetic an 81 year old man at that time.

In 2000, it was an unforgettable proud moment for me when Gen. Choi graded and promoted me to 4th Dan after the international seminar in Malaysia and also presented me with a memento.

I remembered in the seminars conducted by Gen. Choi, he will always emphasized the importance of the basics.

Although I am not a fast learner but I was impressed and managed to understand more from the systematic ways of his teachings.

The last time I got to meet him together with my instructor, was in the lounge of the hotel where he was staying, during the 13th World Championship in Italy year 2001, where I was a competitor representing Malaysia.

I regard myself quite fortunate to have met Gen. Choi on these few occasions when he was alive and it will always be a memory in my life of Taekwon‑Do.


Master Lee Sock Cheng

1st Woman ITF Taekwon‑Do Master in SE Asia


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