International Taekwon‑Do Federation

8 Mar 2024

On March 2nd and 3rd, 2024, several activities were organized by Mr. Eulises Cruz, ITF AGB Representative and the Board of Directors of ANTID, Asociación Nacional de Taekwon‑Do ITF Dominicana, presided by Mr. Arsenio Marte.  These activities were held in Santiago, Dominican Republic and conducted by Master Andres Huerta, 8th Dan. 
The activities started with a class conducted by me at the main school headed by Mr. Eulises Cruz.
Saturday morning, March 2nd, from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm, testing was held at the main school.  Master Huerta and Mr. Cruz led the testing.  Members testing were from 1st Dan to 5th Dan.
Once testing was completed, everyone headed to the “Instituto Superior de Formacion Docente” where the seminar was held.  The first session of the seminar was for black belts.  Almost 30 black belts from both groups, the NGB presided by Mr. Andres Trinidad and the AGB presided by Mr. Arsenio Marte, participated in this first session.  All technical aspects, practical and theoretical, were reviewed for all 15 black belt patterns as well as history, philosophy, moral culture and benefits of Taekwon‑Do. 
On Sunday, March 3rd, from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm, this session was for all color belts and black belts.  All technical aspects, practical and theoretical, were reviewed for all 9 color belt patterns.  Also, all sparring and self-defense techniques were reviewed and discussed.  There were over 90 members participating in the seminar on Sunday. 
Upon finishing the seminar, presidents, board of directors and black belt members from the NGB and AGB participated in a National Meeting led by Master Andres Huerta.  We reviewed all aspects of Taekwon‑Do protocol, ITF and PTC leadership, use and importance of database, international participation, testing rules and regulations, collaboration within the PTC and ITF, and most importantly the collaboration, communication and coordination between both groups so ITF and Taekwon‑Do can be strong and group in Dominican Republic. 

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