International Taekwon‑Do Federation

3 Dec 2019

On November 12 of this year, GM Hwang Ho Yong - IX Dan ITF, ITF Senior Vice President and President of the ITF Technical and Education Committee, from Prague - Czech Republic, arrived to Peru to deliver the Technical Seminar for Color Belts and Black Belts, was received by a Black Belt retinue chaired by Master Enrique Deacon - VIII Dan ITF - NGB Peru.

Also, arrived in Peru, Master Martin Zámečník - VII Dan ITF, who participated in the two-day Technical Seminar.

On November 13, the Technical Seminar for Color Belts began, with the participation of 400 students of all levels.

GM Hwang Ho Yong explained the concept, purpose and Technic mechanics of the Fundamental Movement, and also corrected the Tul Patterns.

At the end of the first day of the Technical Seminar, the protocol group photo was taken and Master Enrique Deacon offered a Special Dinner to GM Hwang Ho Yong and Master Martin Zámečník, with the participation of many Peruvian students and Instructors. It was an excellent night

On November 14, the second day of the Technical Seminar for Black Belts, took place at the IPTI Headquarters and was attended by more than 50 Black Belts from I Dan up. GM Hwang Ho Yong reviewed the Fundamental Movements and corrected the Tul Patterns for Black Belts, putting much emphasis on the purpose of the technique and its movement mechanics.

Master Deacon offered an appreciation Luncheon to GM Hwang Ho Yong and the Black Belts, for his invaluable contribution to the Peruvian Original Taekwon‑Do.

That same day in the evening, GM Hwang Ho Yong traveled to Argentina to continue with his Technical Training program in Southamerica.


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