International Taekwon‑Do Federation

23 Jul 2019

Dear ITF Friends and esteemed Colleagues, 

We are elated with joy that we can share we have moved ahead and began, as of this week, to build Bsb Fenias Cláudio's prosthetic leg. While we are still $4,000 away from reaching our needed budget target, the International Taekwon‑Do Federation of South Africa (ITFSA) has stepped in to temporarily cover accommodation, food and travel for the next three weeks while the procedure takes place in Johannesburg, South Africa. ...

Dear ITF Friends and esteemed Colleagues,

We are elated with joy that we can share we have moved ahead and began, as of this week, to build Bsb Fenias Cláudio's prosthetic leg. While we are still $4,000 away from reaching our needed budget target, the International Taekwon‑Do Federation of South Africa (ITFSA) has stepped in to temporarily cover accommodation, food and travel for the next three weeks while the procedure takes place in Johannesburg, South Africa.

Today was however a life-changing moment for Bsb Fenias and his team, simply, Bsb Fenias stood without crutches and on two feet for the first time in his 24 years alive.

Currently, Bsb Fenias is wearing a temporary prosthetic while his custom prosthetic is in the lab being constructed over the next 7 days. In the interim, he is learning to walk on a prosthetic and attending physiotherapy each day.

This was a message shared from his prosthetic team at Harper and Kuhn Prosthetists earlier today. We had a truly remarkable day today. Fenias is extremely motivated and determined. We had to pull the hand-break up a little bit today to make sure he doesn’t overwork all the muscles that is now utilising while he is walking.

We will be sharing frequent updates over the next three weeks on his Facebook Page, please feel
free to like, share and comment. Link:

If you know of a friend who would like to donate, please do share the following link to our crowd
funding page:

And while the Nike T-shirt in the attached picture and video says, Just Do it and very
applicable, we proud to say, WE JUST DID IT! Thank you to all ITF NGB’s that donated and
supported this initiative in serving our ITF Community and being examples of Moral Culture in
our art for others to see.

For and on behalf of the ITFSA.
Yours in ITF - I remain,

Brannon Phillips
Senior Vice President
ITFSA: International Taekwon‑Do Federation South Africa
ITF: 6th Dan (SA-6-2) l Class-A Intl. Umpires (IUA-867) l Intl. Instructor Certified (IIC-1584)
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