International Taekwon‑Do Federation

13 Jan 2021

Dear NGB Representatives,

Dear ITF Grand Masters, Masters & Instructors,

The Czech Taekwon‑Do Federation cordially invites you to attend the first ​online International Technical Seminar to be conducted by the ITF Senior Vice President, ITF Technical & Education Committee Chairman, and the Father of Czech Taekwon‑Do, ​Grand Master Prof. Hwang Ho Yong​ 9​th​ Degree.

The seminar is endorsed by the ITF HQ and will take place on the ZOOM online platform on this 6th and 7th February. Please find all the information in the attached flyer:

Please help us promote this event among your members and students. We believe that the seminar will be beneficial for all Taekwon‑Do practitioners in these difficult times.

We are looking forward to meeting you online!

Sincerely yours in Taekwon‑Do,

Marek Lazor

President, Czech Taekwon‑Do Federation

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