International Taekwon‑Do Federation

4 Jul 2022

On Saturday, July 2nd, the Official Chilean NGB, its Members and its Federations (Fetrech – Fechitat), started their training sessions at the Olympic Training Center in Santiago de Chile.

This inaugural session from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm had members from the entire country.

The session was overseen by Senior Master Hugo Huerta, President of the Chilean NGB and Fetrech and by Master Osvaldo Rojas, President of Fechitat.

During the event, we had the honor of having the following representatives from the World Taekwondo Federation in Chile:

- President of WT: Master Flavio Figueroa

- Technical Director: Mr. Pedro Olivares

- National Team Coach: Mr. Juan Carlos Aguayo

Moving forward, the Chilean NGB will have 4 days for training since all Covid Protocols have been removed at the Olympic Training Center (CEO).

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