International Taekwon‑Do Federation

19 Mar 2022
The ITF Executive Board Meeting was held remotely by video conference on 19th Mar. 2022.  President RI Yong Son welcomed the participants and presented his greetings & congratulations to all ITF members through the participants on the occasion of the 56th Anniversary of ITF Foundation. The meeting was attended by the EB members and some relevant personnel invited. The participants have… read more
8 Mar 2022
In celebration of International Women’s Day 2022 the ITF Women’s Committee presents a collage of photos of ITF women across the world. Each female practitioner is shown in dobok to represent our strength, friendship, connection and indomitable spirit in the art we love. We then reveal a different part of our lives showing our service to our communities and the many talents we bring to… read more
7 Mar 2022
2022 ITF Taekwondo Championship of Uzbekistan among juniors was held on March 5-6 at the Yunusabad Sports Complex in Tashkent. At the championship, participants competed in the ITF's individual and Team Tournaments. Having been organized by the Ministry of Sports Development and the National Taekwondo Association of Uzbekistan, more than 1,500 athletes from all over the country competed… read more
7 Mar 2022
The first International Technical Seminar & International Instructors Course to be hosted by the British Isles Taekwon‑Do Federation (BITF) was held on the 25th to 27th February 2022 in Fife, Scotland, UK. Conducted by Grandmaster L Hutchison (BITF President, ITF EB Member, ITF Chairman Junior & Veterans Committee, EITF Vice President, EITF EB Member & Scotland ITF President).… read more
2 Jan 2022
Watch the New Year greetings from ITF President Prof. Ri Yong Son for the New Year 2022. read more
26 Dec 2021
An international technical seminar was held on 3-5 December 2021 in Johor Malaysia, organised by International Taekwon‑Do Federation Malaysia. It was conducted by GM Tan Chek Si with the assistances of GM Mohd Azwan Khoo, GM Tan Eng Kiat and Master Lee Sock Cheng. A topic. "Anti-Doping In Sport" was included and presented by Master Lee Sock Cheng. There was a senior gradings after… read more
22 Dec 2021
Dear ITF members, Thank you for your support in 2021. We end this year with a grateful heart. And wishing you a Merry Christmas and a happy, healthy and blessed New Year 2022. Prof. Ri Yong Son President International Taekwon‑Do Federation read more
6 Dec 2021
On November 27, 2021, UNFPA and the National Taekwon‑Do and Kickboxing Federation of Tajikistan hosted an event under the Global Campaign "16 days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence ", which is held annually around the world from November 25 to December 11. Over 180 people participated in the event, including young athletes and their parents, representatives of the National… read more
30 Nov 2021
On 27-28, Nov.2021, the Uzbek Taekwon‑Do ITF Cup Uzbekistan among juniors, youth and adults was held at the Yunusabad sports complex in Tashkent.  More than 51 thousand Taekwon‑Do fighters are currently practicing in Uzbekistan, Taekwon‑Do ITF ranks first in Uzbekistan.  More than 2,500 athletes attended competitions for the title by the Ministry of Tourism and Sports of the Republic of… read more
27 Nov 2021
On 26th November 2021,Etrat Cultural Center hosted Iran ITF Taekwno-Do NGB, who had another gathering, organized by IRAN ITF Tehran Province representative, in order to deliver the registered ITF Dojang plaques to International Instructors who had applied recently for the Plaques, with the presence of Vice President and Secretary General of IRAN ITF TKD, and few Chairpersons of National… read more
18 Nov 2021
The virtual ITF Executive Broad Meeting was held on the 18th Nov. 2021 and lasted one & half hours. This meeting was attended by 15 ITF EB Members of 20, as well as several ITF members who were invited including Mr. Choe Hyong Chol, Vice-Chairman of the ITF Finance & Marketing Committee, Master Sonu Chol, the Secretary General of Asian Taekwon‑Do Federation, Master Frank Diaz, Vice… read more
20 Oct 2021
Upon issuance of a series of International Degree and Instructor Certificates by International Taekwon‑Do Federation, for IRAN ITF Taekwon‑Do Members, Iran ITF held an awarding ceremony to deliver the certificates to members in time.  The ceremony was held as minimal as possible, considering Covid-19 health protocols and the invitation was limited. The Event started at 2pm on October 19… read more
27 Sep 2021
On 25 Sept 2021, the ITF Executive Broad Meeting was held online. This meeting was attended by 19 of the 20 EB members, as well as several ITF members who were invited. All ITF EB members exchanged greetings and freely discussed any issues relating to the ITF Taekwon‑Do activities currently underway in the midst of the dreadful and persistent Covid-19 pandemic. Dr. Tatiana Naoumidi, MD,… read more
25 Aug 2021
I am glad to inform you that “24th Anniversary of Nepal ITF” was successfully held at Saino Sports Hall Kathmandu from 5th August to 6th August 2020. On the first day of August the 5th we provided food for 50 people who were very poor and disabled and who were staying together in one house named Manav Sewa Ashram. Mr. Bhim Bahadur Tamang from Nepal Army and Miss Basanti Budha Magar from… read more
21 Aug 2021
Thailand is currently ranked the 34th most affected Covid19 country in the World. In excessof 20,000 daily reported cases and 200 plus daily deaths has put the healthcare system under great stress particularly in the provinces where resources are scarce. Master Moulden and his wife Sabum Rachanok have students in the front line of caring for those affected and discussed what could be… read more