International Taekwon‑Do Federation

19 May 2017
Dear President. Availing myself to this opportunity, I would like to express my thanks for the invitation of ITF Officials and ITF Demonstration Team to 2017 WTF World Taekwon‑Do Championships in Muju that you extended following our meeting on the 3rd May 2017 in Lausanne in the framework of the execution of the Protocol of Accord so ratified in Nanjing between the World Taekwon‑Do… read more
2 May 2017
The talks between the ITF President Prof. RI Yong Son and the WTF President Dr. CHOUE Chungwon have taken place in the friendly atmosphere in Lausanne, Switzerland on 3 May 2017. On the basis of the common understandings that both sides are recognized as the International bodies to govern the worldwide activities relating to the Taekwon‑Do, both Presidents profoundly shared the views… read more
20 Mar 2017
CONGRATULATIONS On my behalf as the President of ITF, I hereby would like to congratulate all ITF family members in celebration on the specific occasion of this historical day, 22nd March, when ITF had been founded by late Gen. Choi Hong Hi exactly 51 years ago. May I take this opportunity to express our hearty thanks and gratitude to Mrs. Choi Chun Hi, the Widow of late Gen. Choi… read more
31 Dec 2016
Dear Members, A Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year 2017! We are just in the moment to say GOOD-BYE to the year 2016. May I take this opportunity to extend my heartfelt THANKS and GRATITUDES to all the members including the Grand Masters and Masters for your tremendous contributions and dedications to further evolution and worldwide promotion of the original Taekwon‑Do in the whole… read more