International Taekwon‑Do Federation

9 Mar 2020
Dear ITF Members, In light of the increasing concern related to the evolving coronavirus outbreak, it is important that athletes and officials that are preparing for internationally sanctioned ITF events stay informed and understand how to best protect themselves from illness. This update is informed by information collated from the World Health Organization (WHO) and includes direct…
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28 Feb 2020
The first ITF event of the New Year, took place in Pafos Cyprus on January 18-19, 2020. An International Technical Seminar with GM Hwang Ho Yong, ITF Senior Vice President and Chairman of the ITF’s Technical & Education Committee. The seminar is being organized every year at the end of January or beginning of February, in the beautiful city of Paphos, in Cyprus. It became an institution…
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30 Dec 2019
Dear ITF EB members and Chairpersons of ITF Standing Committee Dear ITF NGB Representatives Dear ITF Grand Masters, Masters and Instructors Dear Taekwon‑Doists and the family members of the ITF Dear all, Now we are seeing out the year 2019 which recorded a new landmark in the history of Taekwon‑Do and in the hopeful New Year 2020. The year 2019 was a meaningful year with distinguished…
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8 Nov 2019
Today we commemorate the 101st birthday of the Legendary Founder of Gen. Choi Hong Hi, who was born on November 9th, 1918. On the occasion of this special day, we come to cherish those unforgettable days spent with Gen. Choi Hong Hi including running seminars and it is without a doubt that his words still echo in our minds when even we step into the dojang. We recall the great…
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24 Oct 2019
The 8th IMGC Games will be held in Italy from 30 October to 3rd November, 2019. The International Martial Art Games Committee is a non-governmental and non-profit international martial art organization contributing to Martial Art Sports, on educational, scientific and technical levels through the international and regional martial art events. The International Martial Art Games…
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21 Oct 2019
Plovdiv City of Bulgaria, European Cultural Capital for 2019 hosted the 21st ITF Taekwon‑Do World Championship putting another new milestone for the promotion of original Taekwon‑Do all over the world. The City, proud of long history of its tradition reserved unparallel generosity and jealous hospitality to all the participants who came in this lovely land from different parts of the…
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10 Sep 2019
The international Technical Seminar was held between 23th-24th Aug.2019 during the ITF 21st Taekwon‑Do Championships held from 23th to 30th Aug.2019 in Plovdiv, Bulgaria, conducted by Prof.Grand Master Hwang Ho Yong, ITF Senior-Vice President and ITF Technical and Educational Committee Chairman. There had attended a total number of 80 of Umpires, black belt holders, including the…
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18 Aug 2019
For some time now, the International Taekwon‑Do Federation (ITF) and World Taekwondo (WT) have come closer together. The two governing bodies of Taekwondo signed a Protocol of Accord and held several joint demonstrations, most notably at the opening ceremony of the 2018 Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang, South Korea and this year at the Olympic Museum in Lausanne, Switzerland. Therefore,…
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23 Jul 2019
... Dear Grand Masters and Masters, Dear ITF Leadership, Dear NGB's and participants, It is a great pleasure once again to welcome the Taekwon–Do ITF elite in the city of Plovdiv.I am looking forward to meeting you all at the biggest ITF event and I hope that you and your members will enjoy a pleasant and unforgettable experience in Bulgaria, one which we can all be proud of and have…
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11 Apr 2019
April 11th, 2019 is the 64th anniversary day of the naming of “Taekwon‑Do” by Gen. Choi Hong Hi.
Celebrating this day, we are all in missing for Gen. Choi Hong Hi, our father and teacher, and our hearts are in a full determination to implement and complete his last words and remain loyal to his valuable legacy to the end.
On this meaningful day, there is a historical Joint Performance…
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6 Apr 2019
April 6th, 2019 was a historic and significant day for the International Taekwon‑Do Federation and World Taekwondo.
As planned, the WT Delegation headed by Dr. Chungwon Choue, President of World Taekwondo paid a visit to the ITF Headquarters in Vienna, Austria and held friendly talks with Prof. Ri Yong Son, the ITF President.
WT delegation was warmly welcomed to their ever-first visit…
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28 Dec 2018
Distinguished ITF EB members,
Dear NGB Representatives and Grand Masters and Masters,
Dear ITF Members, Taekwon‑Do artists and practitioners,
As the glorious year of 2018 comes to a close, we now welcome the New Year 2019 with great hopes.
Availing this opportunity, I would like to send my sincerest New Year greetings to the Vice-Presidents and EB member of the ITF, the
Presidents of…
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2 Nov 2018
An Agreement between ITF & WT was adopted on the 2nd November 2018 in Pyongyang, DPR of Korea following the bilateral consultations with regards to the integration between two Federations.
Prof. Ri Yong Son, President of International Taekwon‑Do Federation and Dr. Chungwon CHOUE, President of World Taekwon‑do ratified the given Agreement.
The signing ceremony was honoured by the…
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28 Dec 2017
Distinguished ITF EB members,
Grand Masters and Masters,
NGB Representatives,
Dear Members,
We are now seeing out the old year 2017 in which we recorded a meaningful chapter in the history of the ITF and seeing in the hopeful and significant NEW YEAR 2018.
The year 2017 was impressive to all Taekwon‑Doists across the planet and remained in our minds as a historical year full of a lot…
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